
AeroInside SafetyScan for VAI members

Improve your safety with helicopter accident and incident reports relevant to your operations

Are you overwhelmed with too many reports? With SafetyScan, you define the search criteria —helicopter model, operations type, engine manufacturer, and more — to quickly get the information you need.
AeroInside SafetyScan is FREE to all VAI members!

Customize Your Report

Narrow your search with filters

Save Time

Quickly find the information you need

Search Globally

Find reports from multiple countries

AeroInside SafetyScan for VAI members lets you search an expanding database of helicopter accidents, incidents, and occurrences.

Available filters

Rotorcraft manufacturer and model

Engine manufacturer and model

ICAO aircraft type designator

Engine type

Report type

... and many more

Available countries

Australia (ATSB)

Canada (TSB)

United Kingdom (AAIB)

United States (NTSB)

Germany (BFU)

Switzerland (SUST)

Austria (SUB)

Key data points

Be part of a growing user base.

Helicopter occurrences indexed

Reports on file

Safety recommendations available

Create your free account now and join 49 VAI members already signed up.

1) fill out form
2) confirm e-mail address
3) log-in

Please use the same e-mail address from your VAI membership account.

By registering you accept our Terms and Conditions and confirm that you have read our Privacy Policy.


Who’s eligible for a free account?

All staff and team members at VAI member organizations/companies as well as individual VAI members can create a personal account.

Feedback welcome

I am always available for questions and suggestions.


Fabian Rahm

Owner and developer of AeroInside SafetyScan

AeroInside SafetyScan is a service by Tiny Ventures LLC, Zurich, Switzerland and provided in partnership with VAI.

Tiny Ventures LLC is a proud member of VAI.