Swiss airspace was temporarily closed due to technical malfunction
Technical malfunction at Skyguide – Swiss airspace closed until further notice. Skyguide, the swiss ATC organisation issued a statement early…
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Technical malfunction at Skyguide – Swiss airspace closed until further notice. Skyguide, the swiss ATC organisation issued a statement early…
There are reports claiming that on May 1st 2021 at about 18:00L (23:00Z) an aircraft with 3 crew crashed in Mexico within the municipality of…
An El Al Boeing 737-900, registration 4X-EHB, has last flown the rotation Tel Aviv (Israel) to Dubai (United Arab Emirates) and back to Tel Aviv on…
Local Afghan Media and International Media report, that an Ariana Afghan Airlines Boeing 737-400 with 110 people on board crashed near Herat…
Local Afghan Media and International Media report, that an Ariana Afghan Airlines Boeing 737-400 with 110 people on board crashed near Herat…
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Local Afghan Media and International Media report, that an Ariana Afghan Airlines Boeing 737-400 with 110 people on board crashed near Herat…
Local Afghan Media and International Media report, that an Ariana Afghan Airlines Boeing 737-400 with 110 people on board crashed near Herat…
Following the same procedure as every year all the paperwork to be able to operate the sleigh for Christmas deliveries was to be done. Santa received…
The European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) released their Safety Information Bulletin SIB 2020-18 warning that Nickel-Cadmium batteries of aircraft…
On Jan 28th 2020 German TV Station SWR/ARD broadcast a coverage based on latest research results by Prof. Dr. Scholz (Hamburg University of Applied…
Santa sees the FAA inspector arriving for the annual flight test and immediately notices the inspector carries a rifle again. Thinking of the last…
The FAA have issued Airworthiness Directive AD-2019-20-02 requiring repetitive inspections of the so called "pickle forks", a suspension system for…
An unusual number of wish lists had arrived and Santa's workshop was buzzing putting all those presents together. Santa looked at the increasing…
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