Easyjet A319 at Thessaloniki on May 30th 2017, smoke in cockpit

Last Update: March 12, 2018 / 16:43:12 GMT/Zulu time

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Incident Facts

Date of incident
May 30, 2017



Flight number

Aircraft Registration

Aircraft Type
Airbus A319

ICAO Type Designator

An Easyjet Airbus A319-100, registration HB-JYK performing flight U2-1110 from Thessaloniki (Greece) to Basel/Mulhouse (Switzerland/France) with 152 passengers and 6 crew, was climbing out of Thessaloniki's runway 34 when the crew stopped the climb at FL100 reporting smoke in the cockpit and returned to Thessaloniki for a safe landing on runway 16 about 14 minutes after departure and taxied to the apron reporting the smoke had subsided while working the checklists. There were no injuries, emergency services did not need to intervene.

A short circuit was identified as cause of the smoke in the cockpit.

The airline reported a technical problem as cause of the return. A replacement aircraft is being dispatched to Thessaloniki.

On Jun 7th 2017 Switzerland's SUST reported the occurrence had been rated a serious incident and is being investigated by the SUST. At FL100 the crew requested to return to Thessaloniki reporting fumes in cockpit and cabin.

On Mar 12th 2018 Switzerland's SUST released their final report concluding:

Given the fact that no fume events have reoccurred since the replacement of the avionics blower fan assembly, it can be concluded that the fumes noticed by the crew came from the failed unit as stated in the PFR, although no failure was found during the following shop inspection.

The SUST reported there had been a brief observation of haze and fumes upon landing into Thessaloniki during the previous sector. Cabin crew believed it was related to the hard braking. During subsequent walk around special attention was given to a possible bird strike with no such evidence found. The departure was uneventful, after becoming airborne the crew activated both packs. Climbing through 7000 feet a strong stench similiar to a dirty oven developed in the cockpit, cabin crew verified that the galley ovens were all off, the stench was also present in the forward galley. The crew decided to don their oxygen masks and return to Thessaloniki. After turning off pack #1 in accordance with the related checklists it appears the odour was subsiding, cabin crew however indicated the odour was still worsening, a number of cabin crew were developing headaches. The flight crew therefore turned off both packs and opened the outflow valve which removed the odour. The aircraft landed on runway 16, emergency services checked the aircraft with no signs of fire or smoke.

During the ferry flight to Zurich the following day there was again a brief encounter of the odour with no visible haze or smoke.

Maintenance received indications "VENT BLOWER FAULT" as well as "AIR PACK 1+2 FAULT" 3 minutes later. The blower fan into avionics was replaced. The manufacturer of the fan examined the device and found no anomaly.

Te SUST analysed: "Thanks to the rapid decision-making and prudent actions of the flight crew, the passengers and crew were not in serious danger at any given time. There is no information available that the crew members showed any signs of smoke inhalation, after the incident flight." and added: "The avionics blower fan (part number: EVT3454HC) was identified as the root cause in many other fume events, thereby, leading to a set of measures already adopted by Airbus to further increase its reliability and mitigate operational impact."
Aircraft Registration Data
Registration mark
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Legal Basis
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ICAO Aircraft Type
Year of Manufacture
Serial Number
Aircraft Address / Mode S Code (HEX)
Max. Operational Passenger Seating Capacity (MOPSC), indicative
Minimum Crew
Maximum Take off Mass (MTOM) [kg]
Engine Count
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Main Owner
Incident Facts

Date of incident
May 30, 2017



Flight number

Aircraft Registration

Aircraft Type
Airbus A319

ICAO Type Designator

This article is published under license from Avherald.com. © of text by Avherald.com.
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