Pinnacle CRJ2 near Louisville on Aug 4th 2009, turbulence injures two

Last Update: February 24, 2017 / 18:28:12 GMT/Zulu time

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Incident Facts

Date of incident
Aug 4, 2009


Flight number

Aircraft Registration

ICAO Type Designator

A Pinnacle Airlines Canadair CRJ-200 on behalf of Northwest Airlines, registration N8543F performing flight 9E-2871 from Knoxville,TN to Detroit,MI (USA) with 50 passengers and crew, encountered severe turbulence while enroute at FL300 about 100nm southwest of Louisville 35 minutes into the flight. A flight attendant and a passenger were injured in the encounter. The crew decided to divert to Louisville,KY, where the airplane landed safely 25 minutes later. The flight attendant was brought to a hospital.

The airline described the injuries as minor.

The FAA reported, that the extent of injuries of both injured is currently unknown, the damage to the airplane has not yet been determined.

On Feb 24th 2017 the NTSB released their final report concluding the probable cause of the accident was:

an inadvertent encounter with convective turbulence

The NTSB reported a flight attendant received a serious injury and a passenger a minor injury. The NTSB summarized the flight crew testimony: "the flight was going in and out of clouds and was using the weather radar and visual observations to detect cloud formations and precipitation. The turbulence lasted about 10 seconds after entering a cloud formation. There was no radar indications of thunderstorms or precipitation when the turbulence was encountered. No PIREPS had been reported for the area. The FA was unable to continue her duties and directed a passenger on how to use the intercom to communicate with the flight crew. The captain declared a medical emergency and the flight diverted into Louisville International Airport (SDF), Louisville, Kentucky."
Incident Facts

Date of incident
Aug 4, 2009


Flight number

Aircraft Registration

ICAO Type Designator

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