GoJet CRJ7 at Chicago on Mar 14th 2015, landed without nose gear

Last Update: March 16, 2015 / 14:54:51 GMT/Zulu time

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Incident Facts

Date of incident
Mar 14, 2015


Flight number

Aircraft Registration

Aircraft Type
Canadair CRJ-700

ICAO Type Designator

A GoJet Airlines Canadair CRJ-700 on behalf of United, registration N157GJ performing flight G7-3645/UA-3645 from Grand Rapids,MI to Chicago O'Hare,IL (USA) with 37 passengers and 4 crew, was on final approach to O'Hare's runway 27L when the crew received indication that the nose gear had not extended and locked in its down position and went around. The aircraft entered a hold at 4000 feet to work the related checklists that did not solve the problem. The aircraft performed a low approach to runway 27L about 15 minutes after aborting the first approach, Tower reported that both main gear were down, the nose gear was definitely not down, the nose gear doors were open but no gear. The aircraft entered another hold at 4000 feet, then positioned for an approach to runway 28C, but changed to runway 32R and touched down on runway 32R on both main gear, kept the nose up as long as practical and came to a stop on the runway on both main gear and the nose of the aircraft. There were no injuries, the passengers disembarked onto the runway and were bussed to the terminal.
Incident Facts

Date of incident
Mar 14, 2015


Flight number

Aircraft Registration

Aircraft Type
Canadair CRJ-700

ICAO Type Designator

This article is published under license from Avherald.com. © of text by Avherald.com.
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