Jetstar A320 at Christchurch and Auckland on Jun 3rd 2012, flaps problems

Last Update: June 20, 2012 / 11:35:05 GMT/Zulu time

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Incident Facts

Date of incident
Jun 3, 2012


Flight number

Aircraft Registration

Aircraft Type
Airbus A320

ICAO Type Designator

A Jetstar Airbus A320-200, registration VH-VGQ performing flight JQ-151 (dep Jun 2nd) from Sydney,NS (Australia) to Christchurch (New Zealand), went around from decision height while on final approach to Christchurch's runway 02 at normal landing speed, joined downwind and performed another final approach to runway 02, but once again went around from decision height at normal landing speed due to low visibility. The aircraft subsequently climbed out on normal schedule and diverted to Auckland (New Zealand) climbing to and cruising at FL350. The aircraft subsequently landed safely on Auckland's runway 05R about 67 minutes after the second go-around in Christchurch.

While radar data permit to conclude the aircraft was following a regular speed schedule for landing on both approaches to Christchurch and accelerated normally during flaps retraction during the go-arounds, the radar data available do not permit to conclude the landing speed in Auckland, in comparism with other approaches to Christchurch the aircraft appears about 50 knots faster above ground than normal (with no significant wind, actually about 4 knots headwind component) while descending through 1500 feet MSL (1400 feet AGL) and 20 knots faster than normal on final approach while descending through 800 feet MSL (700 feet AGL).

The airline said the crew went around in Christchurch due to inclement weather (no mention of the second go-around), during the go-around the crew reported a flaps position issue. The crew subsequently diverted to Auckland for a safe landing. The event is being assessed internally by the airline with the assistance of the crew, who has been stood down for the duration of this assessment. The airline concluded: "Our initial findings show that the fundamental safety of the flight was never at risk."

New Zealand's Civil Aviation Authority said they have no regulatory oversight regarding Jetstar and referred to Australia's Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA).

Australia's Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) said they have been informed about the event by the airline in the standard way. The airline internally reviews the event and is going to inform CASA about the results, CASA will then review Jetstar's report and "determine what, if any, further actions are appropriate. Any details of the event itself must be obtained from Jetstar."

Metars Christchurch:
NZCH 021400Z 33002KT 1500 MIFG NSC 02/02 Q1015 BECMG 9999 NSW
NZCH 021300Z 32002KT 1000 MIFG NSC 01/01 Q1015 TEMPO 0500 FG BKN001
NZCH 021200Z 00000KT 1500 MIFG NSC 01/01 Q1016 TEMPO 0500 FG BKN001
NZCH 021100Z 00000KT 1000 MIFG NSC 01/01 Q1017 TEMPO 0500 FG BKN001
NZCH 021000Z 22001KT 1500 BR NSC 01/01 Q1018 TEMPO 0500 FG BKN001
NZCH 020900Z 33001KT 0500 FG NSC 03/03 Q1018 TEMPO BKN001

Metars Auckland:
NZAA 021500Z 31007KT 8000 SHRA SCT012 BKN042 12/11 Q1025 TEMPO 6000 SHRA BKN014
NZAA 021400Z 34006KT 9999 BKN044 12/11 Q1025 TEMPO 6000 SHRA BKN014
NZAA 021300Z AUTO 34006KT 9999 // OVC039/// 12/11 Q1025 NOSIG
NZAA 021200Z 07002KT 9999 BKN037 12/10 Q1026 NOSIG
NZAA 021100Z 02003KT 9999 BKN039 11/10 Q1026 NOSIG
NZAA 021000Z 03002KT 9999 BKN039 11/09 Q1026 NOSIG
Incident Facts

Date of incident
Jun 3, 2012


Flight number

Aircraft Registration

Aircraft Type
Airbus A320

ICAO Type Designator

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