Skywest CRJ2 at Ontario on May 23rd 2010, nose gear up landing

Last Update: August 8, 2012 / 15:10:47 GMT/Zulu time

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Incident Facts

Date of incident
May 23, 2010

Aircraft Registration

ICAO Type Designator

The NTSB said in their factual report: "After all examinations, the investigation found no abnormalities that would have precluded normal operations of the landing gear system."

The NTSB reported that following the nose gear up landing the nose of the aircraft was lifted and the nose gear extended. Following being ferried to Fresno the NTSB had the nose gear removed from the aircraft and sent to the manufacturer for laboratory examination with no significant findings. However, the report mentioned the force needed to manually extend the gear was about 50lbs validating the crew report the alternate gear handle was hard to move. The report also mentioned that three gaps to permit play of mechanical parts were smaller than required. Hydraulic fluid samples were taken and revealed no anomaly except for the upload actuator servo which showed less cleanliness (NAS class 12) than required (NAS class 9 or better).

On Aug 8th 2012 the NTSB released their final report concluding the probable cause of the accident was:

Failure of the airplaneÂ’s nose landing gear to extend for undetermined reasons.
Incident Facts

Date of incident
May 23, 2010

Aircraft Registration

ICAO Type Designator

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