UPS A306 at Monterrey on Jun 1st 2014, hydraulic failure

Last Update: June 15, 2014 / 10:39:27 GMT/Zulu time

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Incident Facts

Date of incident
Jun 1, 2014



Aircraft Registration

Aircraft Type
Airbus A300

ICAO Type Designator

A UPS United Parcel Service Airbus A300-600, registration N137UP performing freight flight 5X-300 from San Antonio,TX (USA) to Monterrey (Mexico) with 2 crew, was descending towards Monterrey when the crew stopped the descent at 16,000 feet reporting a hydraulic problem shortly followed by declaring emergency reporting a single hydraulic system failure. The crew requested to maintain altitude at 16,000 feet, they needed several minutes to run the checklists. When the air traffic controller offered to have the aircraft hold at the final approach fix the crew advised it would be better if they held at some distance from the aerodrome, the ATC subsequently cleared the aircraft to enter a holding pattern at their present position at 16,000 feet. After holding for about 20 minutes the crew continued the approach and requested to continue straight ahead during the descent, then turn to position for the approach. At 11,000 feet the crew reported ready for radar vectors, the aircraft was vectored onto radial 300 of Monterrey VOR for a VOR/DME 2 approach to Monterrey's runway 11. The crew requested lower, ATC advised minimum radar vectoring altitude being limiting until several more miles, the crew advised they were standing by for lower. ATC advised ("as you certainly know") of the Monterrey Norte Airport in about their 11 o'clock position in about 3nm while their destination, the International Airport, was at 10 o'clock in 12 nm. The aircraft landed safely on Monterrey's runway 11 about 45 minutes after stopping the descent at 16,000 feet and vacated the runway.

On Jun 15th 2014 the NTSB reported they have been informed about an incident of N137UP in Mexico City by the Mexican Directorate General of Civil Aviation and accredited a NTSB investigator to join the Mexican investigation.

According to radar data N137UP had not been in Mexico City on Jun 1st (local Mexican time or UTC).

The incident aircraft departed Monterrey about 21 hours after landing and resumed service.
Aircraft Registration Data
Registration mark
Country of Registration
United States
Date of Registration
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TCDS Ident. No.
Aircraft Model / Type
A300 F4-622R
Number of Seats
ICAO Aircraft Type
Year of Manufacture
Serial Number
Aircraft Address / Mode S Code (HEX)
Engine Count
Engine Manufacturer
Engine Model
Engine Type
Pounds of Thrust
Main Owner
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Incident Facts

Date of incident
Jun 1, 2014



Aircraft Registration

Aircraft Type
Airbus A300

ICAO Type Designator

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