Skywest AT72 and Eastern Australia DH8C at Port Macquarie on Feb 12th 2013, loss of separation

Last Update: October 31, 2013 / 15:10:13 GMT/Zulu time

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Incident Facts

Date of incident
Feb 12, 2013


Flight number

Aircraft Registration

Aircraft Type
ATR ATR-72-200

ICAO Type Designator

A Skywest Avions de Transport Regional ATR-72-500 on behalf of Virgin Australia, registration VH-FVH performing flight XR-1191 from Sydney,NS to Port Macquarie,NS (Australia), was on approach to uncontrolled Port Macquarie in instrument meteorologic conditions announcing on CTAF their intention to track overhead the aerodrome not below 3500 feet and join the NDB approach to Port Macquarie's runway 21. The captain on line training was pilot flying, the first officer and check captain was pilot monitoring. The crew later reported there was a lot of VFR and IFR traffic in the area requring intensive checking to ensure separation.

An Eastern Australia de Havilland Dash 8-300 on behalf of Qantas, registration VH-TQZ performing flight QF-2173 from Port Macquarie to Sydney, was preparing for departure and broadcast on CTAF their intention to depart runway 03, they were entering and backtracking runway 03 for departure. After being line up on runway 03 the crew observed VH-FVH passing overhead the aerodrome at 3600 feet and joining the outbound leg for the NDB approach. The crew broadcast they would now commence their takeoff and turn left while climbing through 600 feet. FVH indicated they would remain in the holding pattern over the NDB until TQZ had departed.

Following departure the captain of TQZ checked the TCAS screen to make sure all traffic known in the area had been accounted for, saw his aircraft well clear of FVH and broadcast they were climbing through 2600 feet on downwind and were clear of FVH.

A short time later, while climbing through 3000 feet, the captain of TQZ observed a target right above the Dash, instructed the first officer to stop the climb and turn to the right, a few seconds later TCAS issued a traffic then resolution advisory to descend then to adjust vertical speed, which the crew complied with.

At the same time the crew of FVH received a TCAS traffic then resolution advisory to climb, the captain complied with the instruction.

Australia's TSB reported that the minimum separation between the aircraft reduced to 290 feet vertically and 1.6nm horizontally, the captain of TQZ estimated the separation at 400 feet vertical and 1nm horizontally.

After both aircraft were clear of conflict, both aircraft continued to their destinations for safe landings.

Australia's TSB released their bulletin releasing following safety message:

Situation awareness can be broadly described as the continual monitoring of the environment, being aware of what is going on, and detecting any changes. It is essential that pilots monitor their surroundings and have an awareness of traffic disposition. It is important to know where the traffic is and where it will be in relation to you, so that potential issues can be identified and actioned, before they escalate. This is particularly important when operating at non-towered aerodromes, where aircraft separation is pilot responsibility.
Aircraft Registration Data
Registration mark
Country of Registration
Date of Registration
Gicchngjlfppq ne Subscribe to unlock
Airworthyness Category
Dqhnnpgmfiglnkejec Subscribe to unlock
TCDS Ident. No.
Aircraft Model / Type
ICAO Aircraft Type
Year of Manufacture
Serial Number
Maximum Take off Mass (MTOM) [kg]
Engine Count
DgqApbfeclcpjneekeklAkcAccpbqgifmiclAdiiAki Subscribe to unlock
Main Owner
NbqAipnenmdbhcmebAihihkg iiqjcdknfpc kjpbf gdjmAchmhndn nffgilp blmehpqhcmbpqcAjgAhgln Subscribe to unlock
Main Operator
QdAdknhnjen AigpieccfbAnjlkhccdnhmhcfq e lkAfqilkglbhcjnn pg cfmdhiipkiinlmlhAef Subscribe to unlock
Incident Facts

Date of incident
Feb 12, 2013


Flight number

Aircraft Registration

Aircraft Type
ATR ATR-72-200

ICAO Type Designator

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