Aeromexico Connect E175 at Mexico City on Sep 25th 2013, hard landing

Last Update: September 26, 2013 / 21:11:09 GMT/Zulu time

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Incident Facts

Date of incident
Sep 25, 2013


Flight number

Aircraft Registration

Aircraft Type
Embraer ERJ-175

ICAO Type Designator

An Aeromexico Connect Embraer ERJ-175, registration XA-ACX performing flight 5D-241/AM-241 from Mazatlan to Mexico City (Mexico), landed on Mexico City's runway 05R at about 15:18L (20:18Z) but touched down hard causing a number of tyres to burst. The aircraft came to a safe stop on the runway however was disabled and could not vacate the runway. A number of arrivals on short final needed to go around as a result, one of those aircraft had already gone around before and went around a second time.

Runway 05R/23L was closed until the aircraft could be towed off the runway.

MMMX 252246Z 01005KT 6SM SCT020CB OVC080 22/12 A3013 NOSIG RMK 8/36/ HZY PCPN E
MMMX 252147Z 02005KT 6SM SCT020CB OVC080 22/11 A3013 NOSIG RMK 8/36/ HZY PCPN ENE BINOVC
MMMX 252043Z 00000KT 6SM SCT020TCU OVC080 21/11 A3014 NOSIG RMK SLP056 57024 909 8/26/ HZY DSNT CB SW
MMMX 251948Z 26003KT 6SM SCT020TCU BKN080 OVC200 21/11 A3017 NOSIG RMK 8/267 HZY BINOVC
MMMX 251844Z 29007KT 6SM SCT020TCU BKN080 BKN200 20/11 A3021 NOSIG RMK 8/238 HZY
MMMX 251748Z 31004KT 6SM SCT020TCU BKN080 BKN200 20/11 A3023 NOSIG RMK SLP095 57004 914 8/238 HZY
MMMX 251747Z 31004KT 6SM SCT020TCU BKN080 BKN200 20/11 A3023 NOSIG RMK 8/238 HZY
MMMX 251646Z 23007KT 6SM BKN020 BKN080 BKN200 18/11 A3027 NOSIG RMK 8/578 HZY
Incident Facts

Date of incident
Sep 25, 2013


Flight number

Aircraft Registration

Aircraft Type
Embraer ERJ-175

ICAO Type Designator

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