China Southern B772 near Guangzhou on May 10th 2012, clear air turbulence injures 9

Last Update: May 10, 2012 / 21:56:37 GMT/Zulu time

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Incident Facts

Date of incident
May 10, 2012

Flight number

Aircraft Registration

Aircraft Type
Boeing 777-200

ICAO Type Designator

A China Southern Airlines Boeing 777-200, registration B-2053 performing flight CZ-3525 from Guangzhou to Shanghai Hongqiao (China), was climbing out of Guangzhou with the fasten seat belt signs extinguished about 20 minutes into the flight when the aircraft encountered clear air turbulence resulting in a number of bumps causing passengers, who had not fastened their seat belts, to lift off the floor/seat. The aircraft continued to Shanghai for a safe landing about 100 minutes after departure, medical services were awaiting the aircraft and took 9 passengers to a local hospital. A female passenger received fractures to her right arm, a male passenger received a fracture of his nose and neck injuries, 7 passengers received minor injuries.

Passengers reported and published photos on China's Weibo Service (similiar to Twitter) that their drinks lifted off and spilled at the cabin ceiling during the turbulence encounter, flight attendants and anyone not strapped into the seat also lifted off the floor. The captain subsequently announced that they had encountered turbulence, he had not experienced something like this in 20 years of his career.
Incident Facts

Date of incident
May 10, 2012

Flight number

Aircraft Registration

Aircraft Type
Boeing 777-200

ICAO Type Designator

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