Ural A321 at Novosibirsk on Mar 1st 2013, took out runway edge lights on departure

Last Update: March 7, 2013 / 14:59:32 GMT/Zulu time

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Incident Facts

Date of incident
Mar 1, 2013


Flight number

Aircraft Registration

Aircraft Type
Airbus A321

ICAO Type Designator

An Ural Airlines Airbus A321-200, registration VQ-BDA performing flight U6-99 from Novosibirsk to Moscow Domodedovo (Russia) with 177 passengers and 7 crew, had departed Novosibirsk's runway 16/34 without any obvious incident at 06:54L (23:54Z Feb 28th) and continued to Moscow for a safe landing about 4 hours later.

Russia's Ministry of Transport reported that a runway inspection about 2 hours after the departure of VQ-BDA found 12 runway edge lights at the eastern edge of the runway were damaged. 5 flights had used the runway following the previous inspection. An inspection of VQ-BDA after landing in Moscow revealed damage to the nose gear and right hand main gear tyres consistent with the tyres contacting the edge lights. An investigation is under way.

UNNT 010200Z 25015G20MPS 0200 R16/P0000N +BLSN VV007 M10/M12 Q1005 16390140 390140 NOSIG RMK QFE744/0992
UNNT 010130Z 24012MPS 0050 R25/P0000N +SHSN BLSN FEW008 SCT035CB BKN100 M07/M08 Q1002 25390140 16390140 NOSIG RMK QFE742/0989
UNNT 010100Z 24011G16MPS 1600 SHSN BLSN BKN033CB OVC100 M05/M09 Q1002 25390140 16390140 TEMPO 0300 RMK QFE741/0988
UNNT 010030Z 23013G18MPS 0800 R25/P1500U +SHSN BLSN SCT013 BKN033CB OVC100 M05/M08 Q1000 25390140 16390140 TEMPO 0300 RMK QFE740/0987
UNNT 010000Z 23015G22MPS 0100 R16/0300U +SHSN BLSN BKN013 OVC040CB M04/M06 Q1000 16390140 25390140 TEMPO 0300 RMK QFE740/0987
UNNT 282330Z 19013MPS 0700 R16/P1500U +SHSN BLSN BKN023CB OVC100 M04/M05 Q0999 16390140 25390140 TEMPO 0300 RMK QFE739/0986
UNNT 282300Z 18012MPS 0450 R16/1100D +SHSN BLSN BKN026CB OVC200 M04/M05 Q0999 16390145 25390140 TEMPO 0300 RMK QFE739/0986
UNNT 282230Z 18013MPS 0500 R16/1300D +SHSN BLSN BKN026CB M04/M06 Q0999 16390145 25490150 TEMPO 0300 RMK QFE740/0986
UNNT 282200Z 17012MPS 0600 R16/P1500D +SHSN BLSN BKN013 BKN030CB M05/M06 Q0999 16390145 25490150 TEMPO 0300 RMK QFE740/0986
UNNT 282130Z 17012MPS 1100 R16/P0000D SHSN DRSN OVC016CB M05/M07 Q1000 WS RWY16 16490150 25490150 TEMPO 0300 RMK QFE740/0987
UNNT 282100Z 17011MPS 3300 -SHSN BKN030CB OVC200 M05/M08 Q1001 16490150 25490150 NOSIG RMK QFE741/0988
UNNT 282030Z 17012MPS 3500 -SHSN BKN030CB OVC200 M06/M08 Q1001 16490150 25490150 0800 +SHSN RMK QFE741/0988
UNNT 282000Z 16009MPS 9999 -SN DRSN OVC033 M05/M08 Q1002 16490150 25490150 NOSIG RMK QFE742/0989
Incident Facts

Date of incident
Mar 1, 2013


Flight number

Aircraft Registration

Aircraft Type
Airbus A321

ICAO Type Designator

This article is published under license from Avherald.com. © of text by Avherald.com.
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