PIA A320 at Lahore on Jan 17th 2025, landed on wrong runway

Last Update: January 18, 2025 / 16:35:28 GMT/Zulu time

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Incident Facts

Date of incident
Jan 17, 2025


Flight number

Multan, Pakistan

Aircraft Registration

Aircraft Type
Airbus A320

ICAO Type Designator

A PIA Pakistan International Airlines Airbus A320-200, registration AP-BON performing flight PK-150 from Dammam (Saudi Arabia) to Multan (Pakistan), diverted to Lahore due to weather conditions in Multan. The aircraft subsequently was cleared to land on Lahore's runway 36R but at 07:34L (02:34z) touched down on runway 36L, the lights of which were turned off, and rolled out without further incident.

The airline reported both captain and first officer were grounded pending investigation. The runway lights for runway 36L had been turned off at the time of the occurrence.

Metars Multan:
OPMT 180400Z 00000KT 0150 FG BKN100 11/10 Q1020 BECMG 0250=
OPMT 180330Z 00000KT 0100 FG VV/// 10/09 Q1019 NOSIG=
OPMT 180300Z 00000KT 0100 FG VV/// 10/09 Q1019 NOSIG=
OPMT 180200Z 00000KT 0050 FG VV/// 10/10 Q1018 TEMPO 0100=
OPMT 180100Z 00000KT 0010 FG VV/// 10/09 Q1018 NOSIG=
OPMT 172355Z 00000KT 0010 FG VV/// 10/09 Q1018 NOSIG=
OPMT 172300Z 00000KT 0150 FG VV/// 10/09 Q1018 BECMG 0100=
OPMT 172200Z 00000KT 0800 FG BKN100 10/09 Q1019 TEMPO 0600=

Metars Lahore:
OPLA 180425Z 00000KT 0600 R36/1100U R18/1400U BR SCT040 SCT100 11/09 Q1020 BECMG 0800 BR RMK RMID/1400U QFE995 A30.14=
OPLA 180355Z 00000KT 0500 R36/1000N R18/1100D FG SCT040 SCT100 10/09 Q1019 BECMG 0600 FG RMK RMID/1200D QFE994 A30.11=
OPLA 180325Z 00000KT 0500 R36/1000D R18/1700U FG SCT040 SCT100 09/08 Q1019 BECMG 0600 FG RMK RMID/1700U QFE993 A30.10=
OPLA 180310Z 23003KT 0350 R36/1100U R18/1300U FG SCT050 SCT100 08/07 Q1020 BECMG 0500 FG RMK RMID/1400U QFE994 A30.12=
OPLA 180255Z 29004KT 0500 R36/0750U R18/1300N FG SCT050 SCT100 08/07 Q1020 NOSIG RMK RMID/0800D QFE994 A30.12=
OPLA 180225Z 27003KT 0600 R36/065D R18/1300D FG SCT050 SCT100 08/06 Q1019 NOSIG RMK RMID/0900D QFE993 A30.10=
OPLA 180155Z 36004KT 0800 R36/1300U R18/1600D FG FEW050 BKN100 07/06 Q1019 BECMG 0500 FG RMK RMID/P2000 QFE993 A30.09=
OPLA 180125Z 24005KT 1000 R36/1000D R18/1900D BR FEW050 BKN100 07/06 Q1019 BECMG 0600 FG RMK RMID/1200D QFE993 A30.09=
OPLA 180055Z 26004KT 1500 R36/1300D R18/P2000 BR FEW050 BKN100 08/06 Q1018 BECMG 0800 FG RMK RMID/1400D QFE992 A30.07=
OPLA 180025Z 30004KT 1500 R36/1900D R18/P2000 BR FEW050 BKN100 08/06 Q1018 BECMG 0800 FG RMK RMID/P2000 QFE992 A30.06=
OPLA 172355Z 24004KT 2000 BR FEW050 BKN100 08/06 Q1018 BECMG 1000 BR RMK QFE992 A30.06=
OPLA 172325Z 25003KT 2500 BR FEW050 BKN100 08/06 Q1018 BECMG 1500 BR RMK QFE992 A30.06=
OPLA 172255Z 29003KT 3000 BR FEW050 BKN100 09/06 Q1018 BECMG 1500 BR RMK QFE992 A30.06=
OPLA 172225Z 21003KT 3500 BR FEW050 SCT100 09/06 Q1018 BECMG 3000 BR RMK QFE992 A30.07=
OPLA 172155Z 18004KT 4000 FU SCT100 09/06 Q1018 NOSIG RMK QFE992 A30.06=
Incident Facts

Date of incident
Jan 17, 2025


Flight number

Multan, Pakistan

Aircraft Registration

Aircraft Type
Airbus A320

ICAO Type Designator

This article is published under license from Avherald.com. © of text by Avherald.com.
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