American A321 near Charlotte on Aug 8th 2024, turbulence injures 4 cabin crew

Last Update: January 17, 2025 / 15:17:52 GMT/Zulu time

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Incident Facts

Date of incident
Aug 8, 2024


Flight number

Aircraft Registration

Aircraft Type
Airbus A321

ICAO Type Designator

An American Airlines Airbus A321-200, registration N542UW performing flight AA-2905 from Tampa,FL to Charlotte,NC (USA), was descending through FL200 towards Charlotte about 80nm south of Charlotte when the aircraft encountered turbulence causing serious injuries to one and minor injuries to three cabin crew. The aircraft continued for a safe landing in Charlotte about 20 minutes later.

The NTSB reported one flight attendant received a double hip fracture, three cabin crew received minor injuries. The occurrence was rated an accident and is being investigated.

On Jan 17th 2025 the NTSB released their final report and investigation docket concluding the probable cause of the accident was:

The aircraft’s encounter with convectively induced turbulence.

The NTSB analysed:

American Airlines (AA) flight 2905 encountered turbulence at flight level (FL) 250 [25,000 ft] while enroute to Charlotte Douglas International Airport (CLT) Charlotte, North Carolina. One flight attendant was seriously injured, and 3 flight attendants sustained minor injuries as a result of the turbulence. The flight was a regularly scheduled domestic passenger flight from Tampa International Airport (TPA), Tampa, Florida to CLT.

After reviewing the weather prior to flight, the flight crew stated they opted for a cruising altitude of FL250 based on a PIREP [pilot report] describing smooth air between FL250 and FL260. During cruise, they did not observe weather in the 100 miles ahead of them and the clouds they saw appeared to be below them. As they approached top of descent, the crew described going “heads down” for a few minutes to load performance data into the flight management computer and to review the arrival procedure into Charlotte.

The crew described that when they looked up, they saw a rapidly building cumulous cloud directly ahead of the airplane, too close to maneuver around. The first officer immediately illuminated the seat belt sign and the airplane penetrated the top of the cloud. Flight data showed that during the event, the airplane encountered load factors ranging from about 0.17g to 2.75g, which classifies as extreme turbulence.

The flight attendants had just completed beverage service and were collecting trash at the time the aircraft encountered the turbulence. Flight attendant 3 and 4 were standing by the aft left door preparing the trash cart, flight attendant 2 was on the opposite side of the cart which was lined up to go down the aisle. During the turbulence the trash cart fell on to flight attendants 3 and 4, and flight attendant 2 fell onto the trash cart. Flight attendant 3 fractured both ankles, and flight attendants 2 and 4 suffered minor injuries.
Aircraft Registration Data
Registration mark
Country of Registration
United States
Date of Registration
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Incident Facts

Date of incident
Aug 8, 2024


Flight number

Aircraft Registration

Aircraft Type
Airbus A321

ICAO Type Designator

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