Southwest B38M at Washington on Apr 18th 2024, runway incursion forces rejected takeoff
Last Update: April 18, 2024 / 19:34:17 GMT/Zulu time
Incident Facts
Date of incident
Apr 18, 2024
Southwest Airlines
Flight number
Washington National, United States
Orlando, United States
Aircraft Registration
Aircraft Type
Boeing 737-800MAX
ICAO Type Designator
Airport ICAO Code
A Jetblue Embraer ERJ-190, registration N323JB performing flight B6-1554 from Washington National,DC to Boston,MA (USA), was cleared for takeoff from runway 04 and was accelerating for takeoff, when during a transmission by tower the voice of the ground controller shouting to WN-2937 could be heard, the Jetblue crew advised they were rejecting takeoff. The crew rejected takeoff at low speed and came to a stop about 240 meters/790 feet down the runway. The aircraft subsequently vacated the runway and returned to the apron.
The Southwest Crew claimed they had been cleared to cross the runway and subsequently taxied to the runway 01, departed and continued to Orlando without further incident.
According to ATC recordings by LiveATC ground control provided the following clearance to WN-2937 about 2 minutes prior to the runway incursion: "Southwest 2937, Washington Ground, give way to the American Airbus left to right, runway 01, taxi via Kilo, Charlie, cross 4 at Charlie, pull over to the right and call me the other side." The crew read back, without the controller intervening: "Alright, after American going to 1, Kilo, Charlie, cleared to cross 4 and stay to the right."
According to ADS-B Data the aircraft were about 120 meters/400 feet apart when both aircraft had come to a stop.
KDCA 181252Z 03005KT 6SM HZ SCT075 17/14 A2998 RMK AO2 SLP152 T01720144=
KDCA 181152Z 07003KT 6SM BR BKN075 BKN250 16/14 A2997 RMK AO2 SLP149 T01560139 10167 20144 53022=
KDCA 181132Z 00000KT 5SM BR BKN075 BKN250 16/14 A2997 RMK AO2 T01560139=
KDCA 181052Z 00000KT 7SM MIFG FEW070 FEW150 SCT250 15/13 A2995 RMK AO2 SLP142 MIFG AT AP T01500133=
KDCA 180952Z 00000KT 7SM FEW090 SCT110 BKN250 16/13 A2992 RMK AO2 SLP132 T01560133=
KDCA 180852Z 07003KT 9SM FEW110 BKN250 15/13 A2991 RMK AO2 SLP127 T01500133 53010=
Aircraft Registration Data
Incident Facts
Date of incident
Apr 18, 2024
Southwest Airlines
Flight number
Washington National, United States
Orlando, United States
Aircraft Registration
Aircraft Type
Boeing 737-800MAX
ICAO Type Designator
Airport ICAO Code
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