LOT E170 at Moscow on Jan 29th 2013, runway excursion during turn off
Last Update: January 30, 2013 / 14:50:54 GMT/Zulu time
Incident Facts
Date of incident
Jan 29, 2013
Runway excursion
LOT Polish Airlines
Flight number
Warsaw, Poland
Moscow Sheremetyevo, Russia
Aircraft Registration
Aircraft Type
Embraer ERJ-170
ICAO Type Designator
Rosaviatsia reported that the aircraft had rolled out safely on runway 25R and was vacating onto taxiway 11 (last exit) when it slid off the taxiway. The aircraft did not sustain damage.
An observer on the ground reported the aircraft was turning left off the runway at its very end when it slid left off the runway onto soft ground near the threshold of runway 07L. The aircraft was later towed to the northern apron.
The incident aircraft is still on the ground in Moscow (standing 26 hours after landing).
UUEE 291400Z 18003MPS 4300 -SN SCT030 BKN100 M06/M08 Q1016 NOSIG RMK 25590220 75590230
UUEE 291330Z 17003MPS 130V200 4300 -SHSN BKN022CB BKN100 M06/M08 Q1015 TEMPO 1000 SHSN RMK 25590230 75590230
UUEE 291300Z 17002MPS 2300 -SHSN BKN018CB M06/M08 Q1016 TEMPO 1000 SHSN RMK 25590230 75590230
UUEE 291230Z VRB02MPS 2300 -SHSN BKN018CB M06/M08 Q1016 TEMPO 1000 SHSN RMK 75590230 25590230
UUEE 291200Z VRB02MPS 2300 -SHSN BKN016CB M06/M09 Q1016 TEMPO 1000 SHSN RMK 75590230 25590230
UUEE 291130Z VRB02MPS 3000 -SHSN BKN022CB M06/M09 Q1016 TEMPO 1000 SHSN RMK 75590230 25//////
UUEE 291100Z 21002MPS 5000 -SN BKN024 M07/M09 Q1016 NOSIG RMK 75590230 25//////
UUEE 291030Z 19003MPS 5000 -SN BKN024 M07/M09 Q1016 NOSIG RMK 25490230 75490230
UUEE 291000Z VRB02MPS 5000 -SN SCT018 BKN100 M07/M09 Q1016 NOSIG RMK 75490230 25490230
UUEE 290930Z 21003MPS 5000 -SN SCT026 BKN100 M07/M09 Q1017 NOSIG RMK 75490230 25490230
UUEE 290900Z 22003MPS 5000 -SN SCT026 BKN100 M07/M10 Q1017 NOSIG RMK 75490230 25490230
Incident Facts
Date of incident
Jan 29, 2013
Runway excursion
LOT Polish Airlines
Flight number
Warsaw, Poland
Moscow Sheremetyevo, Russia
Aircraft Registration
Aircraft Type
Embraer ERJ-170
ICAO Type Designator
This article is published under license from Avherald.com. © of text by Avherald.com.
Article source
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