American B738 and Canada A321 at Sarasota on Feb 16th 2023, loss of separation on runway

Last Update: March 16, 2023 / 19:09:57 GMT/Zulu time

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Incident Facts

Date of incident
Feb 16, 2023


Flight number

Aircraft Registration

Aircraft Type
Boeing 737-800

ICAO Type Designator

Airport ICAO Code

An American Airlines Boeing 737-800, registration N976NN performing flight AA-2172 from Charlotte,NC to Sarasota,FL (USA) with 172 passengers and 6 crew, was on a visual final approach to runway 14 and was cleared to land on runway 14.

About 3 minutes later an Air Canada Airbus A321-200, registration C-FJQH performing flight AC-1633 from Sarasota,FL (USA) to Toronto,ON (Canada) with 188 passengers and 6 crew, reported ready for the departure and was cleared for takeoff, however, it appears that transmission of the takeoff clearance was stepped on by another aircraft. The crew queried tower about 30 seconds later whether they had understood correctly they were cleared for takeoff, tower affirmed, the crew thus proceeded for takeoff.

The crew of the American B738 advised about another minute later they were going around initiating a go around from very low height (about 150 feet AGL) about 0.3nm before the (displaced) runway threshold and began to turn right onto downwind. The aircraft climbed to 3000 feet, positioned for another approach and landed safely on runway 14 about 8 minutes later.

The Air Canada Airbus continued takeoff, climbed out and continued to Toronto for a safe landing without further incident.

On Mar 7th 2023 the NTSB reported they are investigating the occurrence stating: "NTSB investigating the Feb. 16 incident at Sarasota Bradenton International Airport that occured when an Air Canada Rouge A-321 was cleared for takeoff on Runway 14 as an American Airlines B-737 was cleared to land on the same runway. The American Airlines crew self-initiated a go-around. No injuries or damage reported. A preliminary report expected in 2-3 weeks. The flights involved were Air Canada Rouge flight 1633 to Toronto and America 2172 from Charlotte."

On Mar 16th 2023 the NTSB released their preliminary report stating the minimum separation between the aircraft reduced to 0 feet vertical and 0.6nm horizontal and summarizing the sequence of events:

NTSB examination of SRQ radar data revealed that AAL2172 was about ten miles north of SRQ on a visual approach for runway 14 when communications were established with the FAA local controller (LC). The LC then cleared AAL2172 to land on Runway 14. When AAL2172 was on a 3.12-mile final, the LC asked ROU1633 if they were ready for departure, and ROU1633 responded affirmatively.

The LC then cleared ROU1633 for takeoff on Runway 14, with instructions to fly the runway heading, and issued ROU1633 a traffic advisory informing them that AAL2172 was on a 3-mile final. About 13 seconds later, when AAL2172 was on 2.56-mile final, the LC issued AAL2172 a traffic advisory informing AAL2172 that ROU1633 was departing runway 14. When AAL2172 was on a 1.53-mile final, ROU1633 asked the LC to confirm the departing heading, to which the LC affirmed that ROU1633 was to fly the runway heading. About 53 seconds later, AAL2172 informed the controller they were executing a pilot-initiated go-around.

AAL2172 was then given instructions to turn right to a heading of 270 degrees and to contact the Tampa Departure Control for re-sequencing. The estimated closest proximity between ROU1633 and AAL2172 was 0.6 miles horizontally and the same altitude; ROU1633 was departing runway 14 and climbing through 100 feet, and AAL2172 was about 100 feet, and crossing over the runway 14 numbers.

KSRQ 170353Z 21005KT 10SM CLR 21/18 A3008 RMK AO2 SLP184 T02110183=
KSRQ 170253Z 21005KT 10SM CLR 22/18 A3009 RMK AO2 SLP188 T02170183 50010=
KSRQ 170153Z 23004KT 10SM CLR 22/18 A3009 RMK AO2 SLP188 T02220178=
KSRQ 170053Z 20005KT 10SM CLR 23/17 A3008 RMK AO2 SLP183 T02280172=
KSRQ 162353Z 19009KT 10SM CLR 23/17 A3006 RMK AO2 SLP178 T02330172 10278 20233 51005=
KSRQ 162253Z 19008KT 10SM CLR 25/17 A3006 RMK AO2 SLP177 T02500167=
Aircraft Registration Data
Registration mark
Country of Registration
United States
Date of Registration
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Incident Facts

Date of incident
Feb 16, 2023


Flight number

Aircraft Registration

Aircraft Type
Boeing 737-800

ICAO Type Designator

Airport ICAO Code

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