Aerostan B742 at Macau on Nov 23rd 2022, engine shut down in flight

Last Update: January 13, 2023 / 20:29:32 GMT/Zulu time

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Incident Facts

Date of incident
Nov 23, 2022



Flight number

Macau, China

Aircraft Registration

Aircraft Type
Boeing 747-200

ICAO Type Designator

An Aerostan Boeing 747-200, registration EX-47001 performing flight KW-4053 from Macau (China) to Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan) with 4 engineers and 5 crew, was climbing out of Macau's runway 16 when the crew stopped the climb at about 10,000 feet due to the #2 engine (JT9D, inboard left hand) emitting bangs and streaks of flames. The crew shut the engine down and returned to Macau for a safe landing on runway 34 about 40 minutes after departure.

Macau's Civil Aviation Department (AACM) reported the aircraft returned to Macau due to the failure of the #2 engine, the aircraft landed safely. After taking the relevant preparations and precautions according to the operation manuals an empty dispatch of the aircraft on three engines will be approved.

The aircraft remained on the ground in Macau for about 32.5 hours, then departed climbing to a maximum FL276 (8400 meters).

In a report submitted with AACM the airline reported the crew received an engine #2 fire warning, worked the related checklists and shut the engine down. The aircraft dumped fuel (?) and returned to Macau, where fire services put the engine fire out, the aircraft was subsequently towed to the apron. All the necessary precautions and preparatory works were performed to conduct a three engine ferry flight to Bishkek, which was permitted by the AACM.

On Jan 13th 2023 Macau's AACM released their preliminary report summarizing the sequence of events:

On 23 November, 2022, a Boeing 747-222B aircraft, registered EX-47001, departed from Macau International Airport (VMMC) in Macao, China to Manas International Airport (UCFM) in Bishkek Kyrgyzstan, operated by LLC AeroStan Air Company (AeroStan) as a non-scheduled cargo flight, BSC4053.

At around 01:45 (UTC), Macau International Airport ground service provider Menzies staff found fuel leak on the aircraft Engine No.2 and reported to the captain. On-board engineers checked the engine and tried to fix the engine. At 02:05 (UTC), the captain performed aircraft Engine No.2 wet motor but was stopped by Menzies since the AeroStan did not get the approval from the tower.

At 02:25 (UTC), the captain performed Engine No.2 motor again without approval and was stopped by Menzies again. After that, no more engine run was performed.

At 05:02 (UTC), the AeroStan flight BSC4053 was approved for departure and started pushback. During pushback, Menzies did not observe fuel leak on Engine No.2 and the aircraft took-off at 05:15 (UTC). At 05:25 (UTC) during climb, the fire alarm on Engine No.2 was activated. Flight crews immediately followed Quick Reference Handbook (QRH) procedures to shut down Engine No.2.

At the same time, flight crews declared “Mayday” and requested in-flight turn back to Macau International Airport (VMMC). “Full Emergency” of Airport Emergency Plan was then activated at once. Flight crews reported no actual fire had been seen but only the fire alarm indication. In the Macau International Airport (VMMC), fire vehicles were standby near the end of Runway 34 while tow truck was standby at the apron.

After fuel dumping for around 10 minutes, at 05:59 (UTC) the aircraft landed on Runway 34 then vacated via taxiway G and was holding on taxiway H. The Fire Services Bureau Airport Division (DBA) observed fire and smoke on Engine No.2 and standby for fire extinguishing. At 06:10 (UTC), fire extinguish was requested by flight crews after the on-board engineers finishing checking.

At 06:21 (UTC), DBA reported that no more fire nor smoke on engine No.2 was observed. The aircraft was then towed to the parking stand B7 after getting DBA agreement. At 06:36 (UTC), runway was clear and resumed operation. At 07:27 (UTC), the taxiway H resumed operation.

The aircraft received damage to its right hand engine (Burn marks on aft core cowl, Burned wires, ducts and pipes inside the engine, Some detached melted metals were found loose inside the fan cowl behind the fan blade) and to the right hand wing's Krueger Flaps.
Incident Facts

Date of incident
Nov 23, 2022



Flight number

Macau, China

Aircraft Registration

Aircraft Type
Boeing 747-200

ICAO Type Designator

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