SAA A333 over Botswana on Apr 15th 2022, both engines surged until landing Johannesburg

Last Update: June 30, 2022 / 19:30:57 GMT/Zulu time

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Incident Facts

Date of incident
Apr 15, 2022


Flight number

Accra, Ghana

Aircraft Registration

Aircraft Type
Airbus A330-300

ICAO Type Designator

A South African Airways Airbus A330-300, registration ZS-SXM performing flight SA-9053 from Accra (Ghana) to Johannesburg (South Africa) with 184 passengers and 25 crew (4 flight crew, 20 flight attendants, one technician), was enroute at FL410 about 150nm northnorthwest of Gaborone (Botswana) and about 310nm northwest of Johannesburg when the crew reported both engines (Trent 772) were surging and requested a descent to FL190, which was approved. The aircraft descended to FL190 and continued to Johannesburg, but experienced further surges on both engines even during final approach to Johannesburg's runway 21R. The aircraft landed safely on runway 21R about 50 minutes later.

The flight, originally SA-53, had been scheduled for Apr 14th 2022, however, during fuel uplift at Accra the fuel had been contaminated with high quantities of water, which was noticed when the engines would not start after push back. The flight was pulled back into the stand. The water was subsequently drained and the aircraft flew to Johannesburg the following day encountering surges of both engines.

Following the flight the aircraft remained on the ground in Johannesburg until May 18th 2022. After landing still significant contamination with water was found in the remaining fuel, fuel systems and engines. All fuel pumps needed to be replaced.

South Africa's CAA reported the occurrence was rated a serious incident and is being investigated by Ghana's AIB. At this time, Jun 28th, no preliminary investigation report is yet available.

The Aviation Herald also contacted Botswana's AIB and Ghana's AIB, so far without receiving a reply.

The airline reported the flight was under the command of the same captain, who also captained the "vaccine flight", see Incident: SAA A346 at Johannesburg on Feb 25th 2021, Alpha Floor Activation on departure.

On Jun 30th 2022 the SACAA reported that they were informed about the occurrence on Apr 17th 2022 by the airline following the occurrence on Apr 15th 2022 (within the 72 hours period available for such reporting). The SACAA informed Ghana's AIB, who in return notified South Africa's AAID on Apr 25th 2022.
Incident Facts

Date of incident
Apr 15, 2022


Flight number

Accra, Ghana

Aircraft Registration

Aircraft Type
Airbus A330-300

ICAO Type Designator

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