Ural A320 at Sochi on Jan 18th 2022, lightning strike

Last Update: January 21, 2022 / 19:13:06 GMT/Zulu time

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Incident Facts

Date of incident
Jan 18, 2022


Flight number

Sochi, Russia

Aircraft Registration

Aircraft Type
Airbus A320

ICAO Type Designator

Airport ICAO Code

An Ural Airlines Airbus A320-200, registration VQ-BAX performing flight U6-277 from Moscow Domodedovo to Sochi (Russia), was on approach to Sochi's runway 06 when the aircraft suffered a lightning strike. The aircraft continued for a safe landing.

Rosaviatsia reported the aircraft experience a discharge of atmospheric electricity on landing and was removed from service.

The aircraft received damage to the radar dome and a number of rivets of the fuselage.

The aircraft remained on the ground in Sochi for about 31 hours, then resumed service.

URSS 181200Z 14009G15MPS 9999 BKN049CB OVC090 08/M04 Q1010 WS ALL RWY R06/010070 R02/010070 TEMPO -TSRA BKN030CB RMK R02/12007G11MPS QFE756=
URSS 181130Z 14010G15MPS 9999 BKN049CB OVC090 08/M05 Q1009 WS ALL RWY R06/010070 R02/010070 TEMPO -TSRA BKN030CB RMK R02/12008G15MPS QFE756=
URSS 181100Z 13011G19MPS 9999 BKN049CB OVC090 08/M05 Q1009 WS ALL RWY R06/010070 R02/010070 TEMPO -TSRA BKN030CB RMK R02/11009G16MPS QFE756=
URSS 181030Z 13011G17MPS 9999 BKN049CB OVC090 08/M05 Q1009 WS ALL RWY R06/010070 R02/010070 TEMPO -TSRA BKN030CB RMK R02/11008G13MPS QFE756=
URSS 181000Z 13011G17MPS 9999 BKN049CB OVC090 08/M04 Q1010 WS ALL RWY R06/010070 R02/010070 TEMPO -TSRA BKN030CB RMK R02/11009G16MPS QFE756=
URSS 180930Z 13011G16MPS 9999 FEW040CB OVC090 07/M04 Q1010 WS ALL RWY R06/010070 R02/010070 NOSIG RMK R02/12009G16MPS MT OBSC QFE757=
URSS 180900Z 13011G17MPS 9999 FEW040CB OVC090 07/M04 Q1011 WS ALL RWY R06/010070 R02/010070 NOSIG RMK R02/12008G13MPS MT OBSC QFE757=
URSS 180830Z 13011G18MPS 9999 SCT040CB OVC090 07/M04 Q1011 WS ALL RWY R06/010070 R02/010070 NOSIG RMK R02/12009G15MPS MT OBSC QFE757=
URSS 180800Z 13013G19MPS 9999 SCT040CB OVC090 07/M06 Q1011 WS ALL RWY R06/010070 R02/010070 NOSIG RMK R02/12010G16MPS MT OBSC QFE757=
URSS 180730Z 14011G17MPS 9999 SCT040CB OVC090 07/M06 Q1011 WS ALL RWY R06/010070 R02/010070 NOSIG RMK R02/12007G14MPS MT OBSC QFE757=
URSS 180700Z 13010G17MPS 9999 SCT040CB OVC090 07/M07 Q1011 WS ALL RWY R06/010070 R02/010070 NOSIG RMK R02/11008G14MPS MT OBSC QFE757=
URSS 180630Z 13010G16MPS 9999 SCT040CB OVC090 07/M07 Q1011 WS ALL RWY R06/010070 R02/010070 NOSIG RMK R02/12007G14MPS MT OBSC QFE757=
URSS 180600Z 12008G16MPS 070V140 9999 SCT040CB OVC090 07/M07 Q1011 WS ALL RWY R02/010070 R06/010070 NOSIG RMK R06/13010G18MPS MT OBSC QFE757=
Incident Facts

Date of incident
Jan 18, 2022


Flight number

Sochi, Russia

Aircraft Registration

Aircraft Type
Airbus A320

ICAO Type Designator

Airport ICAO Code

This article is published under license from Avherald.com. © of text by Avherald.com.
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