Flydubai B38M at Warsaw on Nov 11th 2021, commenced takeoff without clearance
Last Update: November 17, 2021 / 11:26:28 GMT/Zulu time
Incident Facts
Date of incident
Nov 11, 2021
Flight number
Warsaw, Poland
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Aircraft Registration
Aircraft Type
Boeing 737-800MAX
ICAO Type Designator
Another aircraft was cleared to land on runway 33. Tower instructed the Flydubai to stop immediately, the crew rejected takeoff at about 80 knots over ground and vacated the runway ahead of the crossing point runways 29 and 33. The landing traffic was able to continue landing.
The ATC controller told the crew they were instructed to line up and wait, the crew claimed they had read back "cleared for takeoff", the controller later clarified they had checked the tapes and the FlyDubai crew had not read back "cleared for takeoff" but read back the line up and wait clearance.
The Flydubai Boeing taxied back to runway 29 and departed 10 minutes after the rejected takeoff.
Incident Facts
Date of incident
Nov 11, 2021
Flight number
Warsaw, Poland
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Aircraft Registration
Aircraft Type
Boeing 737-800MAX
ICAO Type Designator
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