Skywest E175 near Saint Louis on Dec 17th 2017, pitch input injures flight attendant

Last Update: September 1, 2021 / 16:02:22 GMT/Zulu time

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Incident Facts

Date of incident
Dec 17, 2017


Flight number

Aircraft Registration

Aircraft Type
Embraer ERJ-175

ICAO Type Designator

A Skywest Embraer ERJ-175, registration N128SY performing flight OO-5788 from San Francisco,CA to Saint Louis,MO (USA) with 57 people on board, was enroute nearing the top of descent when the crew briefed the approach into Saint Louis with the captain being pilot monitoring and the first officer, on his second day of initial operating experience, was pilot flying. The air was smooth with no turbulence. ATC instructed the crew to give their best forward speed and cleared the flight direct to Saint Louis. The crew entered the data into the flight management system but then noticed they were already past their top of descent (at a 3 degrees descent towards Saint Louis). The captain instructed the first officer use flight level change which increased the rate of descent to 5000 fpm, the airspeed increased. The captain instructed the first officer to extend the speed brakes to avoid overspeed, however, the speed further increased. The captain thus took control of the aircraft, disconnected the autopilot and provided a nose up input. A flight attendant working in the rear galley to prepare the galley for landing was thrown off balance and twist her ankle. The aircraft continued for a safe landing, the flight attendant was taken to a hospital and diagnosed with a fractured ankle.

The NTSB released their final report concluding the probably cause of the accident was:

The National Transportation Safety Board determines the probable cause(s) of this accident to be:
the abrupt pitch up maneuver which caused the flight attendant to lose her balance and injure
Aircraft Registration Data
Registration mark
Country of Registration
United States
Date of Registration
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Aircraft Model / Type
ERJ 170-200 LR
Number of Seats
ICAO Aircraft Type
Year of Manufacture
Serial Number
Aircraft Address / Mode S Code (HEX)
Engine Count
Engine Manufacturer
Engine Model
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Pounds of Thrust
Main Owner
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Incident Facts

Date of incident
Dec 17, 2017


Flight number

Aircraft Registration

Aircraft Type
Embraer ERJ-175

ICAO Type Designator

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