Qeshm A320 at Najaf on Aug 4th 2021, runway excursion during line up
Last Update: August 4, 2021 / 14:35:12 GMT/Zulu time
Incident Facts
Date of incident
Aug 4, 2021
Qeshm Air
Flight number
Najaf, Iraq
Tehran Imam Khomeini, Iran
Aircraft Registration
Aircraft Type
Airbus A320
ICAO Type Designator
Iran's Civil Aviation Authority reported the aircraft was lining up for departure when a wheel sunk into the earthy shoulder of the runway. All passengers got safely off the aircraft. A replacement aircraft is being dispatched to Najaf.
No NOTAMs are available.
ORNI 041400Z 05005KT 7000 SCT050 45/08 Q1000 NOSIG=
ORNI 041300Z 33012KT 7000 SCT050 46/07 Q1000 NOSIG=
ORNI 041200Z 0300KT 7000 SCT050 45/12 Q1000 NOSIG=
ORNI 041100Z 07006KT 6000 SCT050 45/12 Q1001 NOSIG=
ORNI 041000Z 36005KT 6000 SCT050 45/09 Q1001 NOSIG=
ORNI 040900Z 30012KT 5000 DU SCT050 43/09 Q1002 NOSIG=
Incident Facts
Date of incident
Aug 4, 2021
Qeshm Air
Flight number
Najaf, Iraq
Tehran Imam Khomeini, Iran
Aircraft Registration
Aircraft Type
Airbus A320
ICAO Type Designator
This article is published under license from Avherald.com. © of text by Avherald.com.
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