ANA B788 near Novosibirsk on Apr 19th 2021, captain incapacitated

Last Update: April 23, 2021 / 12:43:33 GMT/Zulu time

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Incident Facts

Date of incident
Apr 19, 2021


Flight number

Aircraft Registration

ICAO Type Designator

An ANA All Nippon Airways Boeing 787-8, registration JA814A performing flight NH-216 from Paris Charles de Gaulle (France) to Tokyo Haneda (Japan), was enroute at FL410 about 360nm northeast of Novosibirsk (Russia) when the first officer declared emergency reporting the commander showed indications of a stroke with sudden headache and facial asymmetry and decided to divert to the nearest aerodrome. The aircraft turned around, descended to FL400 and diverted to Novosibirsk where the aircraft landed safely on runway 34 about one hour after leaving FL410. A medical neurological resuscitation team took care of the commander and took him to the local hospital with a suspected stroke.

The aircraft remained on the ground in Novosibirsk for about 23 hours, then continued the flight as NH-216D and reached Tokyo Haneda with a delay of about 25.5 hours.

Rosaviatsia reported later the day the commander became unconscious as result of a "pre-stroke". The crew decided to divert to Novosibirsk. The commander was taken to a hospital.

On Apr 23rd 2021 it transpired the local hospital diagnosed a microstroke, the captain is on the way of recovery. The captain will remain in hospital care in Novosibirsk for another week before being flown home to Japan.
Incident Facts

Date of incident
Apr 19, 2021


Flight number

Aircraft Registration

ICAO Type Designator

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