JAC AT42 at Kikaiga Shima on Oct 23rd 2020, prop strike on landing
Last Update: October 25, 2020 / 11:48:48 GMT/Zulu time
Incident Facts
Date of incident
Oct 23, 2020
JAC Japan Air Commuter
Flight number
Kagoshima, Japan
Kikaiga Shima, Japan
Aircraft Registration
Aircraft Type
ICAO Type Designator
The aircraft is still on the ground in Kikaiga Shima about 51 hours after landing.
RJKI 230800Z AUTO 34018G28KT 9999 FEW041 SCT042 BKN044 22/15 Q1011=
RJKI 230700Z AUTO 33020KT 9999 SCT038 SCT040 BKN047 22/14 Q1010=
RJKI 230600Z AUTO 34020G31KT 9999 FEW032 SCT039 BKN047 22/14 Q1010=
RJKI 230543Z AUTO 33019G29KT 9999 SCT037 BKN042 BKN047 22/16 Q1010 RMK A2983=
RJKI 230500Z AUTO 34020KT 9999 FEW029 SCT031 BKN038 23/15 Q1010=
RJKI 230404Z AUTO 34020G30KT 9999 FEW032 BKN037 OVC230 22/16 Q1010 RMK A2983=
RJKI 230400Z AUTO 34020KT 9000 FEW032 BKN036 BKN042 23/17 Q1010=
RJKI 230303Z AUTO 33021G31KT 9999 FEW027 BKN036 BKN041 23/17 Q1010 RMK A2983=
RJKI 230300Z AUTO 33022KT 9999 FEW027 BKN036 OVC060 23/17 Q1010=
RJKI 230213Z AUTO 35020G30KT 9999 BKN036 BKN045 OVC050 23/16 Q1009 RMK A2982=
RJKI 230200Z AUTO 35021KT 9999 SCT036 BKN041 BKN045 23/17 Q1009=
RJKI 230100Z AUTO 34020KT 9999 BKN031 OVC036 23/18 Q1009=
Incident Facts
Date of incident
Oct 23, 2020
JAC Japan Air Commuter
Flight number
Kagoshima, Japan
Kikaiga Shima, Japan
Aircraft Registration
Aircraft Type
ICAO Type Designator
This article is published under license from Avherald.com. © of text by Avherald.com.
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