Aerostar J328 at Prague on Sep 6th 2012, rejected takeoff due to crossed wires

Last Update: November 20, 2012 / 23:49:54 GMT/Zulu time

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Incident Facts

Date of incident
Sep 6, 2012


Lviv, Ukraine

Aircraft Registration

ICAO Type Designator

An Aerostar Dornier Do-328 JET, registration UR-WOG performing a charter flight from Prague (Czech Republic) to Lviv (Ukraine), was accelerating for takeoff with the first officer being pilot flying, when the aircraft began to veer right, corrective rudder input did not return the aircraft to the center line. The captain thus decided to reject takeoff, the aircraft came to a stop within the runway edges, the captain taxied the aircraft back to the apron.

Ukraine's Ministry of Transport reported in their monthly bulletin, that maintenance found the cables connecting the nose wheel steering to the right hand rudder pedals were crossed. The aircraft had undergone maintenance in Germany between Jul 16th and Sep 5th, the crossed wires had been missed because the aircraft had been flown only from the left hand seat following maintenance until the incident. The investigation commission determined the cause of the rejected takeoff was the rapid deviation from the centerline of the runway due to crossed wires connecting the nose wheel steering to the right hand pedals as result of improper maintenance. Contributing factor was the non-detection of the abnormal controls from the right hand seat. Two safety recommendations were issued to Aerostar to improve preflight preparation in order to detect such control anomalies and to improve acceptance procedures following maintenance.

Czech Republic's Aviation Accident Investigation Institute (CAAII) reported in their quarterly bulletin that aircraft rejected takeoff from runway 06 after the aircraft had pulled off the runway centerline. The aircraft subsequently turned around and returned to the apron. 5 days after the incident, on Sep 11th, runway marks were discovered during regular checks indicating there was heavy braking just after intersection with taxiway E and the right main and nose gear had exited the paved surface of the runway to the right. Engineers found a fault in the first officer's directional controls causing the deflection of the nose gear steering opposite to the first officer's rudder pedal input.
Incident Facts

Date of incident
Sep 6, 2012


Lviv, Ukraine

Aircraft Registration

ICAO Type Designator

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