Skywest CRJ2 at San Francisco on Dec 14th 2019, loud bang, gear disagree and landing gear door damage

Last Update: December 15, 2019 / 23:12:00 GMT/Zulu time

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Incident Facts

Date of incident
Dec 14, 2019


Flight number

Aircraft Registration

ICAO Type Designator

A Skywest Canadair CRJ-200 on behalf of United, registration N945SW performing flight UA-5525 from San Francisco,CA to Eugene,OR (USA), was climbing out of San Francisco's runway 01R when a loud bang was heard. Upon contacting departure while climbing through 2300 feet the crew requested to stop the climb reporting a gear disagree indication, one of the gear didn't come up, they needed to remain at or below 200 KIAS, it was also not sure they would have nose wheel steering available after landing and might not be able to vacate the runway. The crew stopped the climb at 5000 feet, burned off fuel while trouble shooting, advised upon contacting tower they intended to stop on the runway and landed safely on runway 28R about 45 minutes after departure.

A passenger reported that prior to departure they were deboarded again to have a tyre replaced. After second boarding and departure a loud bang followed by a whooshing sound was heard, the crew turned around and returned to San Francisco. Upon disembarking the passenger saw sheet metal at the left main gear door bent and in a bad shape.

United reported the occurrence is being investigated. The passengers were rebooked onto other flights.
Aircraft Registration Data
Registration mark
Country of Registration
United States
Date of Registration
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Incident Facts

Date of incident
Dec 14, 2019


Flight number

Aircraft Registration

ICAO Type Designator

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