S7 A319 at Barcelona on Jul 7th 2019, wrong turn causes loss of separations with 2 other aircraft

Last Update: August 2, 2019 / 16:08:35 GMT/Zulu time

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Incident Facts

Date of incident
Jul 7, 2019


Flight number

Barcelona, Spain

Aircraft Registration

Aircraft Type
Airbus A319

ICAO Type Designator

A S7 Sibir Airlines Airbus A319-100, registration VP-BHJ performing flight S7-6105 from St. Petersburg (Russia) to Barcelona,SP (Spain), was on approach to one of Barcelona's runway 07 tracking the standard arrival route SLL1E. Instead to continue tracking the STAR the aircraft turned south causing the loss of separation with two other aircraft.

A Norwegian Long Haul Boeing 787-9, registration LN-LNI performing flight DY-7196 from Newark,NJ (USA) to Barcelona,SP (Spain), was on approach to Barcelona's runways 07 tracking standard arrival route VLA1E. A conflict arose with S7-6105 at about 10:41Z when DY-7196 had already aligned with the arrival runway 07L and was descending through 4200 feet, while S7-6105 descended through about 4000 feet on a southerly heading crossing through the approach pathes of both runway 07L and 07R. The 787 flew a right turn off the track and descended, the A319 slowly began climbing.

In addition a Vueling Airbus A320-200, registration EC-MXP performing flight VY-7845 from Tel Aviv (Israel) to Barcelona,SP (Spain), was also on approach to runway 07L tracking STAR VIBIM1E from the southeast descending through 4100 feet almost on a head on heading twoards the A319. The A320 performed a sharp left hand turn of about 120 degrees and descended to 3000 feet.

After all conflicts were resolved, the B789 turned back onto landing track for runway 07L and landed safely followed by the A320 landing about 8 minutes after the B789. The S7 A319 followed about two minutes after the A320.

Spain's CIAIAC reported there was no damage to any aircraft and no injuries. The occurrence is being investigated. The CIAIAC did not mention the full circle flown by the A319 prior to the conflicts.
Incident Facts

Date of incident
Jul 7, 2019


Flight number

Barcelona, Spain

Aircraft Registration

Aircraft Type
Airbus A319

ICAO Type Designator

This article is published under license from Avherald.com. © of text by Avherald.com.
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