Travel Service B739 at Moscow on Jan 13th 2019, runway excursion during line up closes both runways

Last Update: January 15, 2019 / 14:59:32 GMT/Zulu time

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Incident Facts

Date of incident
Jan 13, 2019


Flight number

Aircraft Registration

Aircraft Type
Boeing 737-900

ICAO Type Designator

Airport ICAO Code

A Travel Service Boeing 737-900 on behalf of Smartwings, registration OK-TSM performing flight QS-1003 from Moscow Sheremetyevo (Russia) to Prague (Czech Republic) with 40 passengers and 7 crew, was taxiing northbound along taxiway 14 between the two runways at about 14:15L (11:15Z) and was about to line up runway 24C when the aircraft went off the runway and became stuck on soft ground between the runways, about 180 meters/590 feet west of taxiway 14 and 31 meters/101 feet south of the southern runway 24C edge, forcing the closure of both runways. There were no injuries. The passengers disembarked onto soft ground and were taken to the terminal.

The southern runway was re-opened about one hour after the occurrence.

The aircraft was towed off the runway and to the apron about 2:15 hours later.

The airport reported the aircraft was taxiing onto the runway when the aircraft rolled out of the runway.

The airline reported the incident did not take place during departure or landing, but while taxiing when the aircraft turned onto the runway.

The airline later reported the captain rejected takeoff due to asymmetric acceleration of engines.

Russian media are reporting, in part quoting the same spokesman by the airport who released the official airport's statement summarized above, that the aircraft was departing and had rolled for 300 meters before exiting the runway.

UUEE 131300Z 20004MPS 9999 OVC030 M03/M06 Q0993 R24L/420345 R24C/420336 NOSIG=
UUEE 131230Z 20006G14MPS 9999 -SN OVC035 M03/M06 Q0993 R24L/420345 R24C/420336 NOSIG=
UUEE 131200Z 21005MPS 9999 BKN031 M03/M06 Q0993 R24L/420345 R24C/420336 NOSIG=
UUEE 131130Z 19004MPS 9999 BKN037 M04/M06 Q0993 R24L/420345 R24C/420336 NOSIG=
UUEE 131100Z 21004MPS 9999 SCT035 M04/M07 Q0994 R24L/420345 R24C/420336 NOSIG=
UUEE 131030Z 21004MPS CAVOK M04/M07 Q0993 R24L/420345 R24C/420336 NOSIG=
UUEE 131000Z 20004MPS 9999 FEW030 M05/M07 Q0993 R24L/420345 R24C/420336 NOSIG=
UUEE 130930Z 20004MPS 7000 BKN031 M05/M07 Q0994 R24L/420345 R24C/420336 NOSIG=
UUEE 130900Z 23005MPS 7000 BKN033 M05/M07 Q0994 R24L/420336 NOSIG=
UUEE 130830Z 24004MPS 7000 BKN035 M06/M07 Q0994 R24L/420336 R24C/420330 NOSIG=
UUEE 130800Z 24004MPS 6000 BKN041 M06/M08 Q0994 R24L/420336 R24C/420330 NOSIG=
UUEE 130730Z 23005MPS 6000 BKN039 M06/M08 Q0994 R24L/420336 R24C/420330 NOSIG=
COR UUEE 130700Z 23005MPS 6000 OVC036 M06/M08 Q0994 R24L/420336 R24C/420330 NOSIG=
Incident Facts

Date of incident
Jan 13, 2019


Flight number

Aircraft Registration

Aircraft Type
Boeing 737-900

ICAO Type Designator

Airport ICAO Code

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