Iran Airtours A320 near Ahwaz on Nov 25th 2018, loss of cabin pressure
Last Update: December 8, 2018 / 20:03:41 GMT/Zulu time
Incident Facts
Date of incident
Nov 25, 2018
Loss of cabin pressure
Iran Airtour
Flight number
Tehran Mehrabad, Iran
Ahwaz, Iran
Aircraft Registration
Aircraft Type
Airbus A320
ICAO Type Designator
Iran's CAO opened an investigation and reported in Persian (editorial note: which we badly struggle to understand properly, in particular also the numbers/digits. To serve the purpose of global prevention of the repeat of causes leading to an occurrence an additional timely release of all occurrence reports in the only world spanning aviation language English would be necessary, a Persian only release does not achieve this purpose as set by ICAO annex 13 and just forces many aviators to waste much more time and effort each in trying to understand the circumstances leading to the occurrence. Aviators operating internationally are required to read/speak English besides their local language, investigators need to be able to read/write/speak English to communicate with their counterparts all around the globe) that the aircraft had experienced a left hand engine (V2500) bleed air pressure problem as well as a right hand wing anti-ice valve problem the previous day. The aircraft was dispatched under Minimum Equipment List requirements with the left hand engine bleed air pressure indication and right hand wing anti-ice valve inoperative, during the occurrence flight the left hand engine bleed air failed. The aircraft returned to Tehran without passengers. Maintenance checked both engine's bleed air valves, both wing's anti-ice sense lines and cleaned the right hand engine's bleed air valve control sensor electrical plug. The aircraft had undergone an A-check two weeks prior to the occurrence. The investigation uses the QAR data, the CVR data were overwritten during the ferry flight back to Tehran due to lack of download facility in Ahwaz (editorial note: thanks to a Persian native speaker who volunteered his help to make the Persian information properly understood on Dec 8th 2018).
According to ADS-B data the aircraft climbed to FL250 on the ferry flight back to Tehran departing Ahwaz 16 hours after landing there. The aircraft remained on the ground in Tehran for 29 hours before returning to service.
Incident Facts
Date of incident
Nov 25, 2018
Loss of cabin pressure
Iran Airtour
Flight number
Tehran Mehrabad, Iran
Ahwaz, Iran
Aircraft Registration
Aircraft Type
Airbus A320
ICAO Type Designator
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