Peruvian B735 at La Paz on Nov 22nd 2018, both main gear struts collapse on landing

Last Update: October 9, 2019 / 17:43:48 GMT/Zulu time

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Incident Facts

Date of incident
Nov 22, 2018


Flight number

Cuzco, Perú

La Paz, Bolivia

Aircraft Registration

Aircraft Type
Boeing 737-500

ICAO Type Designator

A Peruvian Boeing 737-500, registration OB-2041-P performing flight P9-331 from Cuzco (Peru) to La Paz (Bolivia) with 122 passengers and 5 crew, suffered the collapse of both main gear struts while landing on La Paz's Airport El Alto (Bolivia) runway 10 at about 10:22L (14:22Z). The aircraft came to a stop on the center line of the runway resting on nose gear, both engines and the aft belly of the fuselage. The passengers disembarked onto the runway via mobile stairs. There were no injuries, the aircraft sustained substantial damage.

The airport estimates the mishap of the Peruvian Airlines Aircraft will close the airport until 15:00L (19:00Z).

Bolivia's DGAC confirmed Peruvian Airlines' Boeing 737-500 OB-2041-P suffered an accident while landing on La Paz's runway 10 at 10:22L. There were no injuries. The aircraft suffered a problem with the main landing gear.

On Dec 10th 2018 a passenger reported there were no indications of any trouble prior to touch down. Initial touchdown was smooth, then there was loud noise and the aircraft shuddered violently, the passenger thought a tyre had blown. An engine was scraping the runway surface. Ceiling panels and service panels came down. After the aircraft came to stop there was silence, smoke could be seen rising either side outside of the aircraft, a strong smell of burned rubber and hot metal developed on board. A flight attendant in the back attempt to put the ceiling panels back into place, another flight attendant yelled to stop taking pictures. Fire fighters arrived within a minute and foamed the aircraft. The captain came on about 5 minutes later advising stairs would be brought to the aircraft, it would take another 5 minutes until the stairs would arrive. All passengers remained calm throughout, after arrival of the stairs passengers disembarked, the aircraft was about 3 quarters down the runway, and were bussed to the terminal.

On Oct 9th 2019 Bolivia's DGAC announced that all operations of Boeing 737 Classic are suspended at La Paz El Alto International Airport until further notice, for more details see Accident: BoA B733 at La Paz on Aug 3rd 2019, main wheels rotate in relation to gear strut.

Related NOTAM:
A1035/18 NOTAMN
Q) SLLF/QMRLC/IV/NBO/A/000/999/1630S06811W005
A) SLLP B) 1811221420 C) 1811221520

SLLP 221500Z 21004KT 9999 FEW020 BKN200 15/01 Q1036=
SLLP 221400Z 07008KT 9999 FEW020 BKN200 13/07 Q1037=
SLLP 221300Z 28008KT 9999 FEW020 BKN200 13/06 Q1037=
SLLP 221200Z 26007KT 240V300 9999 FEW015 BKN200 12/06 Q1037=
SLLP 221100Z 31004KT 9999 FEW015 BKN200 09/04 Q1036=
SLLP 221000Z 36003KT 9999 FEW013 BKN200 06/03 Q1036=
SLLP 220900Z 02003KT 9999 FEW003 BKN200 04/03 Q1036=
SLLP 220800Z 00000KT 9999 FEW003 SCT070 BKN200 05/04 Q1036=
Incident Facts

Date of incident
Nov 22, 2018


Flight number

Cuzco, Perú

La Paz, Bolivia

Aircraft Registration

Aircraft Type
Boeing 737-500

ICAO Type Designator

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