Flybondi B738 enroute on Nov 17th 2018, loss of cabin pressure

Last Update: July 18, 2023 / 20:10:19 GMT/Zulu time

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Incident Facts

Date of incident
Nov 17, 2018



Flight number

Aircraft Registration

Aircraft Type
Boeing 737-800

ICAO Type Designator

A Flybondi Boeing 737-800, registration LV-HFR performing flight FO-5101 from Iguazu,MI to Buenos Aires El Palomar,BA (Argentina) with 150 people on board, was enroute at FL360 about 310nm north of Buenos Aires when the crew initiated an emergency descent to FL100 due to the loss of cabin pressure. The aircraft continued to El Palomar Airport for a safe landing about 70 minutes after leaving FL360.

Agentina's JIAAC dispatched investigators on site.

On Nov 21st 2018 the JIAAC reported the aircraft performed an emergency descent from FL360 to FL100 due to the loss of cabin pressure, the passenger oxygen masks deployed automatically.

On Jul 18th 2023 the JIAAC released their final report in Spanish only (Editorial note: to serve the purpose of global prevention of the repeat of causes leading to an occurrence an additional timely release of all occurrence reports in the only world spanning aviation language English would be necessary, a Spanish only or no release does not achieve this purpose as set by ICAO annex 13 and just forces many aviators to waste much more time and effort each in trying to understand the circumstances leading to the occurrence. Aviators operating internationally are required to read/speak English besides their local language, investigators need to be able to read/write/speak English to communicate with their counterparts all around the globe).

The report concludes the probable causes of the serious incident were:

- The non-normal checklists were available only in Turkish, German and English and thus did not comply with the laws of Argentina

- the graphics in the Dispatch Manual used to determine the CG of the aircraft was erroneous

- The identification of memory items in the abnormal procedure lists in the Flybondi's Standard Operating Manuals is erroneous

- Flybondi's MOE chapter 8 (Simulator Profile and Maneouvers) is erroneous.

- Flybondi's MOE chapter 3 states that the number of required simulator sessions for a pilot can be reduced to 8 if the pilot had performed 8 sessions on a flight training device before. However, the programme does not state what those 8 simulator sessions should consist of.

- The simulator instructions prepared by the vendor CAE were not reflected in Flybondi's MOE although the MOE prepared by CAE had been approved by the Civil Aviation Authority ANAC

- the emergency procedures practized during initial simulator sessions do not include depressurization or emergency descent

- The training center did not receive any audits or inspections by Flybondi since commencent of service

- Since commencement of service CAE did not receive any audits or inspections by Flybondi
Incident Facts

Date of incident
Nov 17, 2018



Flight number

Aircraft Registration

Aircraft Type
Boeing 737-800

ICAO Type Designator

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