Delta B764 at Atlanta on Mar 3rd 2018, fuel leak indication

Last Update: March 6, 2018 / 22:11:23 GMT/Zulu time

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Incident Facts

Date of incident
Mar 3, 2018


Flight number

Munich, Germany

Aircraft Registration

Aircraft Type
Boeing 767-400

ICAO Type Designator

A Delta Airlines Boeing 767-400, registration N831MH performing flight DL-130 from Atlanta,GA (USA) to Munich (Germany) with 253 people on board, was climbing out of Atlanta's runway 28 when the crew stopped the climb at 9000 feet reporting a fuel leak indication. The aircraft entered a hold while the crew was working the checklists without success, the aircraft subsequently returned to Atlanta for a safe landing on runway 27R about 70 minutes after departure.

A passenger reported that shortly after departure the aircraft levelled off and started to make left turns. The passenger noticed fuel coming off the left wing tip every time the aircraft was turning left. About 10 minutes later the captain announced they had noticed they were losing fuel every time they were doing a left turn, they had worked all check lists but were unable to stop the fuel leak. They'd continue to circle to drop off fuel and return to Atlanta. They would use full reverse thrust to prevent the brakes from overheating, emergency services would be awaiting the aircraft. After about 30 minutes burning off fuel the aircraft commenced the approach, landed and stopped on the runway. Emergency services inspected the aircraft from all sides, about 5 minutes later the aircraft taxied to the apron. A replacement aircraft took them to Munich.

A replacement Boeing 767-400 registration N833MH reached Munich with a delay of 6:45 hours.

The occurrence aircraft returned to service after about 23 hours on the ground.
Aircraft Registration Data
Registration mark
Country of Registration
United States
Date of Registration
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Incident Facts

Date of incident
Mar 3, 2018


Flight number

Munich, Germany

Aircraft Registration

Aircraft Type
Boeing 767-400

ICAO Type Designator

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