TUI B738 at Hurghada and Munich on Mar 2nd 2018, burst tyres on departure

Last Update: March 3, 2018 / 00:27:51 GMT/Zulu time

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Incident Facts

Date of incident
Mar 2, 2018



Flight number

Aircraft Registration

Aircraft Type
Boeing 737-800

ICAO Type Designator

A TUIFly Boeing 737-800, registration D-ASUN performing flight X3-6315 from Hurghada (Egypt) to Stuttgart (Germany), burst a number of tyres on departure from Hurghada. The crew was later informed about the debris being found on the departure runway and decided to divert to Munich (Germany), where the aircraft landed on runway 26L and became disabled on the runway. The passengers disembarked onto the runway and were bussed to the terminal.

The tyres were being replaced on the runway before the aircraft was towed off the runway.

Passengers on other aircraft reported their flight crew told them the southern runway (08R/26L) was blocked due to a disabled aircraft.

Related NOTAM:
A1049/18 NOTAMN
Q) EDMM/QMRLC/IV/NBO/A /000/999/4821N01147E005
A) EDDM B) 1803022108 C) 1803022200 EST

Metars Munich:
EDDM 022120Z 19005KT 6000 -SN OVC020 M03/M07 Q0998 BECMG 2500 BKN012=
EDDM 022050Z 18003KT 130V220 7000 -SN OVC022 M03/M07 Q0998 BECMG 2500 BKN012=
EDDM 022020Z 24003KT 6000 -SN OVC025 M03/M07 Q0998 BECMG 2500 BKN012=
COR EDDM 021950Z 26005KT 7000 -SN OVC030 M03/M07 Q0998 BECMG 2500 BKN012=
EDDM 021920Z 24005KT 8000 -SN OVC033 M03/M07 Q0998 BECMG 4000=
EDDM 021850Z 26005KT 8000 -SN OVC030 M03/M07 Q0998 NOSIG=
EDDM 021820Z 27005KT 8000 -SN BKN033 OVC100 M03/M07 Q0998 NOSIG=
EDDM 021750Z 26004KT 8000 FEW033 OVC100 M03/M07 Q0998 NOSIG=
EDDM 021720Z 28003KT 8000 SCT033 OVC100 M03/M08 Q0997 NOSIG=
EDDM 021650Z 27005KT 8000 FEW033 OVC100 M03/M08 Q0997 NOSIG=

Metars Stuttgart:
EDDS 022150Z VRB01KT 3700 -SN BR FEW006 SCT009 BKN043 M02/M02 Q0997=
EDDS 022120Z 08001KT 3200 -SN BR BKN011 BKN030 M02/M02 Q0997=
EDDS 022050Z VRB02KT 3200 -SN BR SCT011 SCT033 BKN043 M02/M02 Q0997 TEMPO 2500 BKN013=
EDDS 022020Z VRB02KT 3800 -SN BR FEW009 BKN022 BKN043 M02/M03 Q0997 TEMPO 2500 BKN013=
EDDS 021950Z 15003KT 110V170 4600 -SN FEW006 SCT013 BKN023 M02/M03 Q0997 TEMPO BKN013=
EDDS 021920Z 15004KT 7000 -SN SCT013 BKN019 M02/M02 Q0997 TEMPO 4000 SN BKN013=
EDDS 021850Z 16003KT 130V190 8000 -SN FEW014 BKN025 M01/M03 Q0997 TEMPO 4000 SN BKN014=
EDDS 021820Z 19004KT 9999 -SN FEW016 BKN027 M01/M03 Q0997 TEMPO 4000 SN BKN014=
EDDS 021750Z 23005KT 190V270 9999 -SN FEW021 BKN028 M01/M04 Q0997 NOSIG=
EDDS 021720Z 09001KT 9999 BKN027 BKN036 M00/M08 Q0996 NOSIG=
EDDS 021650Z 09002KT 9999 BKN027 BKN100 M00/M08 Q0996 NOSIG=
Incident Facts

Date of incident
Mar 2, 2018



Flight number

Aircraft Registration

Aircraft Type
Boeing 737-800

ICAO Type Designator

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